2017年6月25日 星期日



G: GROW 成長:你在尋找讓生意成長的方法嗎?

R: REFERRALS 引薦單:更多的引薦單是否能幫忙讓你的生意成長

I: INTRODUCE 介紹:我想介紹我的生意夥伴給你,他會給你引薦單,我想邀請你來參加會議當我的貴賓,你願意嗎?

P: PLACE 地點:太好了,我們七點xx地方見。

Get a GRIP on inviting visitors:

How to easily invite visitors to your networking meeting.

 G: GROW Are you looking to GROW your business?

 R: REFERRALS Would more REFERRALS help you to grow your business?

 I: INTRODUCE I would like to INTRODUCE you to business associates of mine who would love to pass you referrals over time. I would love to INVITE you to our event as my guest. Are you INTERESTED?

 P: PLACE Great, meet me at 7am at the PLACE we meet

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