2018年12月17日 星期一

Episode 520: 一個成功的 BNI團隊的四大要件 Group (Classic Podcast)


  • 這週來自路易斯安那密西西比的Tim Paulin參與Dr.Misner討論組成一個成功的BNI的四大要件:

  1. 每場會議有許多(4-7)訪者或來賓,不是所有的來賓或者是訪者皆符合加入BNI的資格,而是挑選其中可以和現有會員談生意的人。
  2. 專業的會議流程,特別注意隱藏的要素。
  3. 持續追蹤上個會議討論項目,領導團隊需追蹤訪者、來賓進度,會員則需追蹤生意進度。
  4. 分會會員的責任感,其中出席率屬最重要責任感之一,然而,這須由會員委員會去維持這環節。

完整資訊由 Networking Now.提供



大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客節目,由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供,我們介紹伊凡米勒博士和其他人脈網絡的專家。我是Priscilla Rice,現在在加州柏克萊的Live Oak Recording Studio。現在在線上的是BNI創始人及願景官伊凡米勒博士。哈囉,伊凡,你好嗎?你今天在哪裡呢?



我常做很多(通常是區域性)的活動,但Priscilla是我的女士,我必須為了她的分會本身做這件事情,I do it for a lot of regional and sometimes chapter visitors days.,可以告知您的董事會如果您也希望我能做和Priscilla分會類似的視訊活動。


我和我的一位好朋友,直接回答您問題的第二部份,我這週在San Diego,每個聽眾都知道,我喜歡讓成員知道我於其他地區出差同時也讓我能夠盡可能地遇到更多會員們,如果我正在您所在區域,請不要吝嗇來跟我打招呼,因為我喜歡碰見BNI會員們,Tim Paulin正與我在一塊,Tim是洛杉磯及密西西比州的BNI執行董事,他和他的團隊管理超過50BNI團隊,他同時也擔任七年的美國國家訓練董事,他畢業於紐奧良大學主修商業管理。是紐奧良當地人,他目前和他賢慧的妻子伊莉莎白居住在那,我老婆名稱也叫伊莉莎白,所以別搞混了,但他和他賢伉儷有一對雙胞胎男孩,上天眷顧您。Tim是一位非常棒的訓練者以及好朋友,他今天的主題是關於組成一個成功的BNI需擁有的四大要件,歡迎Tim來到播客。






這是一個變量。 如果你有一個訪客的日子,顯然會更大。 如果您是50位成員的分會,那將會比您是20位成員的分會更大。 讓我們假設一個約23個成員的章節,這是現在全球的統計平均數。 對我來說,很多遊客將是4-7 4在低端。 7稍稍高一點。 這將是很多訪客的23成員分會。 這將是不可思議的。

絕對。 4-7人,並不是所有的訪客都有資格參加會議。 這是我們試圖給予的分會之一。 帶客人 帶來可以與本章成員做生意的人。 如果你不再專注於可以加入本分會的人,只要把能與本分會成員做生意的人聚在一起,那麼每週都可以得到很多。

我認為訪客和客人之間區分可能不是一個壞主意。 一個訪客,對我來說,是一個未來的會員。 客人是一個真正不是未來會員的人。 這可能是一個有趣的方式來區分兩者在我看來。

絕對。 一旦你有很多訪客和客人在房間裡,我們必須舉行專業會議,這是一個由BNI提供的精心設計的議程,特別關注BNI分會會議的隱藏內容。 我知道這是您最喜歡的話題之一,伊万,因為它與我們的議程有關。 你是否想談談隱藏的元素?

是的,這是我的激情。 隱藏的元素。 讓我推薦播客的聽眾回到第十六集,這是在幾年前完成的,我在那裡談論隱藏的元素。 您可以找到您是否在領導團隊中,並將議程放在那裡,所有的議程項目都帶有一個星號,表示一個隱藏的元素。 隱藏的元素是比它聽起來更深的東西。

例如,訪客主機比一個歡迎訪客的人更複雜一些。 我在五分鐘內無法解釋是什麼,所以我會把人引到第16集。這將給一個很重要的一件事情帶來很好的感覺,這一點在本章中是一個很大的區別,隱藏的元素。

絕對。 在會議開始前15分鐘,我們會談論一切事情,在會議開始之前,準備通過開放網絡和每一個議程點迎接客人和您的訪問者,特別注意和關心介紹該部分 的議程,運行它專業,並且在會議結束時,確保我們與訪客和客人做一個偉大,壯觀的方向,並提供他們通過填寫申請被考慮加入會議的機會。

方向是如此重要。 我完全同意

絕對是 通常人們會說:下週回來拜訪我們,再來看看我們。我聽說你說Ivan,就像一名保險業務員到場的結尾,說:好的。 我會在下週回來看看你的想法。

我下週再來,做整個同一個演講,這真的很瘋狂。 順便說一下,這是一名保險代理人,告訴我停止這樣做,因為這樣做是什麼樣的。 我是,哇,你是對的 謝謝

我們要確保我們特別注意專業會議。 會員,客人和訪客每個星期都有一個價值。

讓我說最後一件事,因為我知道你必須轉到第三項。 你可以有一噸的遊客,但是如果你經營一個糟糕的會議,有什麼好的訪客? 專業運行,這是一個良好的BNI集團的核心 - 舉行一個偉大的會議。

所以在第3次會議結束時,我們的工作就是跟進。 一個分會,領導團隊和成員不僅可以跟訪客和客人回答他們可能遇到的任何問題,請他們再次來看我們的章會,還要讓我們的成員跟進每一個 其他關於本週會議通過的業務。 確保您正在跟踪您收到的轉介,您正在跟踪您提供的轉介,以確保您所提及的人員得到您BNI會員的正確照顧和正確待遇。 跟進是這個組織取得成功的關鍵。


當然這樣跟進,跟進跟進。 你不能跟進太多

對。 這可能是一個沒有做很多的領域,跟隨訪客。

不是。 我問我的會員之一是,如果你轉交給沒有跟進的人,你給他們第二次機會嗎? 你會再次提及他們嗎? 大多數人不會。

4號,這是我們成功的BNI集團的最後一個支柱,我們談論本章及其周圍的問責制。 現在,我們的會員委員會為我們的章節提供了問責制。 我們負責的最重要的事情之一是出席。 每到一個禮拜一次,我們可以適當參加會議。 適當參加會議是為訪客帶來客人,帶來轉介,為您準備60秒鐘,準備好10分鐘的時間。 所有這些事情都發揮了重要的作用,以確保集團中的每個人都參與,使集團取得成功來自成員委員會。

在一個成功的團體中,責任心是非常重要的。 我已經說過很多播客。 該團隊的優勢之一是大多數成員是朋友,而像BNI這樣的團隊的弱點之一是大多數會員都是朋友。 朋友不喜歡互相承擔責任,但最成功的群體就是責任追究的關鍵。 他們對團體負責,包括出席會議等。

絕對。 我最喜歡的作品之一是當我們有一個會員會來的時候,他們可能會根據事情發生在他們的章節有點不一樣。 如果他們想要更好的話,我對人們的建議是參與領導團隊。 參與該會員委員會,並確保您的章節向會員提供他們已經支付的費用,這是BNI系統。 這個BNI系統是關於問責制的。所以這些是我們BNI集團的4大支柱。


那麼,我告訴你,遵循這4個支柱的章節往往在他們的團體中擁有更多的成員和更多的業務和更多的成功。 打到一兩個人沒有盡可能多的成功。 將其中4項全部納入您的團隊,是取得成功的絕佳途徑。

打這四個圓柱,你將有一個成功的章節。 四人再次有很多遊客,有一個運行良好的專業會議,利用隱藏的元素,並檢查第16集,如果你想了解更多,會後跟進和問責。 做這四件事情,做得好,你將要成功的一章。 蒂姆很清楚。 他是BNI的國家培訓總監以及執行董事。 蒂姆·保林,非常感謝你今天在播客上播放。 我非常感謝你在這裡。
絕對。 謝謝你的邀請,Ivan

謝謝,Tim。還給你了 Priscilla


好的 非常感謝你。 我只想提醒聽眾,這個播客已經被networknow.com帶到了,網絡下載網絡是網絡上的主要網站。 謝謝你的聽 這是Priscilla Rice,我們希望你們能在下週加入我們另一個令人興奮的“BNI Podcast”劇集。


Tim Paulin from BNI Louisiana Mississipi joins Dr. Misner this week to discuss the four pillars of a successful BNI group:
  1. Many (4-7) visitors or guests at each meeting. Not all of them have to qualify to join: bring people who can do business with members.
  2. A well-run professional meeting. Pay special attention to the hidden elements. (See Episode 9and Episode 16 for more about these.)
  3. Follow-up post meeting. The leadership team needs to follow up with visitors and guests, and members need to follow up about the business they’ve passed.
  4. Accountability for the chapter members. One of the most important parts of accountability is attendance, and it’s up to the membership committee to maintain this.
If you can do these four things well, you’ll have a successful chapter.
Brought to you by Networking Now.
Complete Transcript of BNI Podcast Episode 249 –
Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow.com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chairman of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello Ivan. How are you and where are you?
Hi, Priscilla. I’m doing great. I got to do a webcam with your chapter recently. I really appreciate the opportunity to do that.
That was really fun. They loved it. So thank you.
I do that with a lot of- usually regional- events, but Priscilla- She’s my lady. I have to do that for her chapter itself. I do it for a lot of regional and sometimes chapter visitors days. Talk to your local director if you would like me to do some kind of webcam like I did with Priscilla’s chapter.
Oh yeah. I highly recommend it. So who is with us today, Ivan?
A good friend of mine. Just to answer the second part of your question, I am in San Diego this week. As the listeners know, I like to let members know that I am out visiting regions and trying to meet as many members as possible. If I come to your area, please come visit and say hello because I love to meet BNI members. I have with me today Tim Paulin. Tim is the Executive Director for BNI in LA and MS. He and his team manage over 50 BNI groups. He is the US National Training Director and has been doing that for about 7 years. Tim went to the University of New Orleans focusing on business administration. He is a native of New Orleans. He currently resides there with his lovely wife Elizabeth, whom I know. My wife is Elizabeth as well, so don’t confuse the two. But he and his wife have twin boys, God bless you. Tim is a great trainer and a good friend. His topic today is the four pillars of the successful BNI group. Welcome to the podcast, Tim.
Thank you. Ivan I appreciate it. You know, Ivan, when we first announced that we were having twins, you looked at me and said, “Sleep now because you won’t once they are born.”Man, you were right. I haven’t slept in 8 years.
I know, it’s really bad. Then when they become teenagers, believe it or not, it’s even worse.
I’ll have to wait for that. We are going to talk today about the four pillars of the successful BNI group.
Let me just throw the four out there and then you jump in and hit them one at a time. First one is many visitors each week. Second one is a well-run professional meeting. The third one is a follow up, a post meeting. The last is accountability for the chapter members. Those are the four pillars that Tim has put together. I love them. Jump in on the first one, Tim.
Many guests, many visitors at a chapter meeting each week. I go around and do this presentation to many chapters and I like to ask them what does many visitors mean to you? Ivan, I will ask you what would many visitors mean to you at a chapter meeting?
It’s a variable. If you are having a visitor’s day, clearly it would be larger. If you are a chapter of 50 members, it would be larger than if you were a chapter of 20 members. Let’s assume a chapter of about 23 members, which is the statistical average right now worldwide. To me, many visitors would be 4-7. 4 on the low side. 7 on the slightly higher side. That would be a lot of visitors for a 23 member chapter. That would be incredible.
Absolutely. 4-7 people and not all of the visitors have to qualify for membership. That’s one of the things that we have tried to give to the chapters. Bring guests. Bring people that can do business with the members of the chapter. If you stop focusing on folks that can join the chapter and just bring people who can do business with the members of the chapter, you can get that many each week.
I think differentiating between a visitor and a guest is probably not a bad idea. A visitor, to me, is a prospective member. A guest is somebody who really isn’t a prospective member. That might be an interesting way to differentiate between the two in my opinion.
Absolutely. Once you have many visitors and guests in the room, we have to run a professional meeting, a well-run put together agenda that is provided by BNI with a special attention that is paid to the hidden element of the BNI chapter meeting. I know that is one of your favorite topics, Ivan, as it relates to our agenda. Do you want to talk about the hidden elements for a sec?
Yeah, that is a passion of mine. The hidden elements. Let me recommend for listeners of the podcast to go back to episode number 16, which was done a few years ago, where I talk about the hidden elements. You can find if you are on the leadership team and have the agenda there, all of the agenda items with an asterisk, which represents an item which is a hidden element. A hidden element is something that is much deeper than it sounds like.
For example, the visitor host is a much more complex topic than just having someone welcome visitors. I can’t in five minutes explain what it is, so I would refer people to episode 16. That will give a really good sense of an important thing that makes a really big difference in the chapter, the hidden elements.
Absolutely. We talk about everything from entering the meeting 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting, being there, being prepared to welcome your guests and your visitors through open networking and through each point of the agenda, taking special attention and care to introduce that portion of the agenda, run it professional, and as the meeting concludes, to make sure that we are doing a great, spectacular orientation with our visitors and guests and offering them the opportunity to be considered for membership by filling out an application.
Orientation is so important. I agree completely.
It absolutely is. Often people will say, “Come back next week and visit with us and check us out again.” I have heard you say, Ivan, that is like an insurance salesman getting to the end of the presentation and saying, “Okay. I’ll come back next week to see what you think.”
“I’ll come back next week, and do the entire same presentation,” which is really crazy. By the way, it was an insurance agent who told me to stop doing that because that’s what it sounded like when I was doing it. I was like, wow, you’re right. Thank you.
We have to make sure that we pay special attention to that professionally run meeting. There is a value there for the members and the guests and the visitors each and every week.
Let me just say one last thing, because I know you have to move on to the third item. You can have a ton of visitors, but if you run a lousy meeting, what good is any visitors? Professionally run, that is the core of a good BNI group- running a great meeting.
So with number 3, as that meeting concludes, our job is follow up. Not only is a chapter, leadership team and members to follow up with the visitors and guests to answer any questions that they might have, to invite them back for a second look at our chapter meeting, but also for our members to follow up with each other about the business that was passed at the chapter meeting that week. Make sure that you are following up on the referrals that you received, that you are following up on the referrals that you have given to make sure that the person that you have referred gets the right care and the right treatment from your BNI members. Follow up is key to success in this organization.
Very true, and it’s key to success in developing a personal referral network.
Absolutely, so follow up, follow up, follow up. You can’t follow up too much.
Right. That is probably an area that is not done a lot, in terms of following up with visitors.
It’s not. One of the things I ask my members is if you gave a referral to someone who didn’t follow up with it, do you give them a second chance? Would you refer them a second time? Most people would not.
With number 4, which is our last pillar of a successful BNI group, we talk about accountability in and around the chapter. Now, the accountability is provided by our membership committee for our chapter. One of the most important things that we are accountable to is attendance. Being there each and every week on time so we can participate in the meeting appropriately. Participating in the meeting appropriately is bringing visitors, bringing guests, bringing referrals, being prepared for your 60-second, being prepared for your 10-minute when it is time to do so. All of these things come into play in that accountability to making sure that everyone in the group is participating and making the group successful comes from the membership committee.
Accountability is so important in a successful group. I have said this a lot of the podcast. One of the strengths of the group is that most of the members are friends, and one of the weaknesses of a group like BNI is most of the members are friends. Friends don’t like to hold each other accountable, but the groups that are most successful are the ones that get it that accountability is key. They have accountability with their groups, including things like attendance.
Absolutely. One of my favorite things to work with chapters on is when we have a member who will come and they may be a little out of sorts based on the way things are going on their chapter. The suggestion that I make to folks if they want to make it better is to get involved in the leadership team. Get involved in that membership committee and make sure that your chapter is providing the members what they have paid for, which is the BNI system. That BNI system is all about accountability.
So those are our 4 pillars of our BNI group.
Any closing thoughts?
Well, I tell you, the chapters that follow these 4 pillars tend to have more members and more business and more success in their groups. The ones that hit one or two of them don’t have as much success as they could. Implementing all 4 of these into your group is a great way to have success.
Hit all four cylinders on this and you will have a successful chapter. The four, again, are have many visitors, have a well-run professional meeting, utilize the hidden elements and check out episode 16 if you would like to know more about that, follow up after the meeting and accountability. Do those four things, do them well and you are going to have a successful chapter. Tim understands that very well. He is a National Training Director for BNI as well as an Executive Director. Tim Paulin, thank you so much for being on our podcast today. I really appreciate you being here.
Absolutely. Thank you for having me, Ivan.
Thanks Tim. Back to you, Priscilla.
Okay. Great. Thank you both very much. I would just like to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by networkingnow.com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Thank you for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we hope you will join us next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.


